Experts in
service innovation

Founded in 2015, Sandbox is a boutique human-centred design agency.

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Envisioning the future of merchant payments
Envisioning the future of merchant payments

The payments industry has an ever growing long tail of nimble, tech-forward competitors. With changes in regulation and technological advancements, Westpac wanted to explore bold new futures to inform decisions about investment, acquisition and its role as an incumbent in a growing ecosystem.

The payments industry has an ever growing long tail of nimble, tech-forward competitors. With changes in regulation and technological advancements, Westpac wanted to explore bold new futures to inform decisions about investment, acquisition and its role as an incumbent in a growing ecosystem.

Digital Transformation Agency

Digital Transformation Agency

Setting a vision for how businesses transact with Government
Setting a vision for how businesses transact with Government

Fragmentation across Government digital services means that the experience of citizens interacting with Government online is often inconsistent. For businesses, identity verification and authentication across the range of Government services is a particular pain point that discourages many from doing more business with Government online.

Fragmentation across Government digital services means that the experience of citizens interacting with Government online is often inconsistent. For businesses, identity verification and authentication across the range of Government services is a particular pain point that discourages many from doing more business with Government online.



Helping teachers adapt to hybrid classrooms
Helping teachers adapt to hybrid classrooms

Rapid technological and social change is creating both opportunities and challenges for educators globally. TAFE NSW's Connected Learning Centres are new digitally enabled classrooms in regional areas where students attend classes often facilitated remotely by teachers. The new delivery model presents unique logistical challenges that can be unexpected for teachers accustomed to traditional classroom teaching.

Rapid technological and social change is creating both opportunities and challenges for educators globally. TAFE NSW's Connected Learning Centres are new digitally enabled classrooms in regional areas where students attend classes often facilitated remotely by teachers. The new delivery model presents unique logistical challenges that can be unexpected for teachers accustomed to traditional classroom teaching.

NSW Department of Planning & Environment

NSW Department of Planning & Environment

Crowd-sourcing environmental data to inform government policy
Crowd-sourcing environmental data to inform government policy

Policy makers rely on large quantities of environmental data to understand and respond to environmental change. One way to gather this crucial information is from community volunteers who record observations of plants, animals or environments.

Policy makers rely on large quantities of environmental data to understand and respond to environmental change. One way to gather this crucial information is from community volunteers who record observations of plants, animals or environments.


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Our Services

We help organisations focus on the ideas that matter, invest with confidence and deliver with clarity.

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Strategic Design

Envision new futures to inform your organisational strategy
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Discovery Research

Understand your customer to identify unmet needs and opportunities
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Concept Development

Explore multiple ideas with customers to determine the right solution
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Service Prototyping

Design and test a service to define the right customer experience
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Positive Impact

We relish every opportunity to contribute towards a world that's more equitable and sustainable. Here's some of the work we're doing with clients who are seeking positive impact.

Discovery Research
Case Study



Designing financial services for vulnerable members of society
Designing financial services for vulnerable members of society

The Royal Commission into the Australian Financial Services Industry brought into sharp focus the responsibility of the major banks to better meet the needs of customers whose personal circumstances make them especially susceptible to financial detriment.

The Royal Commission into the Australian Financial Services Industry brought into sharp focus the responsibility of the major banks to better meet the needs of customers whose personal circumstances make them especially susceptible to financial detriment.

Strategic Design
Case Study

The Smith Family

The Smith Family

Scaling efforts to improve educational outcomes for children and young people
Scaling efforts to improve educational outcomes for children and young people

The Smith Family helps children and young people overcome educational inequality caused by poverty, which today affects as many as 1.2 million Australians. They wanted to use service blueprinting as a foundation for analysing opportunities to scale their impact through digitisation.

The Smith Family helps children and young people overcome educational inequality caused by poverty, which today affects as many as 1.2 million Australians. They wanted to use service blueprinting as a foundation for analysing opportunities to scale their impact through digitisation.

Discovery Research
Case Study



Accelerating the shift towards sustainable investing
Accelerating the shift towards sustainable investing

The concept of investing in companies with strong long term environmental, social and governance practices has long been an accepted investment theme, yet despite a large proportion of retail investors being interested in sustainable investing few have actually invested their money this way.

The concept of investing in companies with strong long term environmental, social and governance practices has long been an accepted investment theme, yet despite a large proportion of retail investors being interested in sustainable investing few have actually invested their money this way.

Concept Development
Case Study

Australian Ethical

Australian Ethical

Anticipating the rapidly evolving needs of ethical investors
Anticipating the rapidly evolving needs of ethical investors

When it comes to ethics and finances, the needs of investors are constantly evolving in response to environmental events and sociopolitical change. Australian Ethical understood this and wanted to learn about the needs and motivations of investors in order to position itself for growth, leveraging it's history as Australia’s longest standing ethical investment manager.

When it comes to ethics and finances, the needs of investors are constantly evolving in response to environmental events and sociopolitical change. Australian Ethical understood this and wanted to learn about the needs and motivations of investors in order to position itself for growth, leveraging it's history as Australia’s longest standing ethical investment manager.

Service Prototyping
Case Study



Designing empathy into services for bereaved customers
Designing empathy into services for bereaved customers

The death of a loved one can be overwhelming and emotionally difficult. It can also be complicated and onerous when it comes to managing the affairs of your loved one’s estate. Westpac wanted to examine the nuance of service interactions with bereaved customers so that the entire service model could be re-imagined with greater empathy and care for customers and their families.

The death of a loved one can be overwhelming and emotionally difficult. It can also be complicated and onerous when it comes to managing the affairs of your loved one’s estate. Westpac wanted to examine the nuance of service interactions with bereaved customers so that the entire service model could be re-imagined with greater empathy and care for customers and their families.

Our Clients

"True transformation occurs in hearts and minds, this work did that for us."


Not For Profit

"I was impressed with how Sandbox was able to distill complex concepts into something that was simple but sophisticated."


Financial Services

"Working with Sandbox accelerated our thinking by 6 months."



"Working with Sandbox accelerated our thinking by 6 months."



"The real value of the project for us was that it helped disprove some of our initial assumptions."



"Sandbox go beyond steps in a process, and tap into the art of service design."


Financial Services

"True transformation occurs in hearts and minds, this work did that for us."


Not For Profit

"I was impressed with how Sandbox was able to distill complex concepts into something that was simple but sophisticated."


Financial Services

"Working with Sandbox accelerated our thinking by 6 months."



About Us

Highly experienced, specialised service design and innovation capabilities.

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Ellie, Tim and Josephine in their studio.